Friday, May 27, 2011

Slab Creek - American River

Well, adventures or misadventures are the theme of the week. With a mixture of lots of people, different abilities and not that many cars, decisions were taking a long time to make. After resting and doing laundry yesterday, Jess and I were keen to get a good run in. The team was keen for a run close to Coloma, so Slab Creek it was. Slab Creek has one of the most beautiful urban put-ins that I have seen, a very impressive man-made waterfall. We had a large group that almost required all of my digits to make sure everyone was safe. The flow was on the low side of okay, around 700 cfs. It made all of the rapids boat-scoutable, making for some nice boogie water. 

Jess with the man made water fall in the back ground

Sara James about to get her nose up

Ben Nelson

Pete boofing the Grande

Slab Creek felt a lot like the Wairoa in NZ. The shuttle car was left in the wrong place, but meant that we got to paddle some of the bigger rapids of the trip in a beautiful gorge. However, It did make for a long paddle out and a long shuttle that started with a 25 minute uphill walk to find the car (no kayaks though). Three of the team were sent to do the shuttle while the rest of us were given the choice to either carry our kayaks up a big hill (and carry the three extra boats) or paddle down to the start of the Chili Bar run. I wasn’t keen to walk out so opted for the paddle, which I think worked out well. After a 40 minute flat water paddle, sharing the task of towing the three extra boats, we arrived at a dam. I started hauling the extra boats up to get them around the dam. I was semi over it so opted to film everyone else paddle the dam.

Ryan Lucas

Toni George


Sara in a borrowed boat

So with a long day under our belts, it was off to the Pilot Hill Steak House (thanks Josh) for a mean feed and to plan tomorrows mission to the Clavey.

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